LASER // GLITTER PUNCH PROJECT Second Single Out Tomorrow

In less than 24 hours our new single will be available for download!


I’m excited, but I’ll admit there have been so many other things to deal with this week that I’ve forgotten to celebrate!

I have some more news to share with you that I think you’ll quite enjoy, but I want to leave it a little while first. I don’t want to take the shine off the Laser, so to speak.

So, this will be the first time you’ve heard me sing through a full GPP song. My first official debut as songwriter/main vocalist. I say main because the collaborative nature of the project has left some nice room for a certain other artist… Again, don’t want to announce that yet!

Note to self: I should probably call a meeting with Matt so I can find out which beans I am allowed to spill, and which need to remain in the can a little while longer.

I was having a conversation with another songwriter friend of mine today. He was asking me about release dates and the like so he could buy our songs. He said;

“I find it hard telling myself it’s you singing, just ’cause it’s so different. In a good way, though.”

I asked him if I didn’t sound like myself.

“You do, but the music is not something I ever thought I’d hear you do. I think it’s a good move. It shows that you are versatile.”

This made me intensely happy. I hope when you hear it you will agree!

Are you yet to hear laser? Where on earth have you been?? Have a listen below. 

Enjoy our music!


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